WPKN Archives Archive Feed: elycenter Archived radio content http://www.wpkn.org/ Thu, 13 Mar 2025 00:34:10 GMT WPKN Archives Archive Feed: elycenter http://www.wpkn.org/ http://archives.wpkn.org//banners/7.png 850 192 Live Culture with Martha Willette Lewis -- Episode 27 Things that fly: Flags and Overpasses http://archives.wpkn.org/http://archives.wpkn.org/bookmarks/listen/185746 <p>This month&rsquo;s episode features a conversation with <strong>Dave Coon</strong>, one of the organizers of<em><strong> Broad Stripes and Bright Stars </strong></em> a major art exhibition opening in late June in New Haven, and, in the second half we offer a talk with <strong>Site Projects</strong>&rsquo;<strong> Laura Clarke</strong> and artist <strong>Robert Greenberg</strong> about the public artworks in the works for the highway underpass on state street, which is getting a major permanent installation by <strong>Shelia De Bretteville</strong>.</p> <p><em><strong><br /> Broad Stripes and Bright Stars</strong></em> is being organized by <strong>Dave Coon</strong> and <strong>Aicha Woods</strong> and will run from June 29- August 12 at the <strong>Ely Center For Contemporary Art. </strong>This large group show features national and internationally known artista and will occupy the whole building and will include pop-up shop of artist-made flag related goods.</p> <p>Ely Center of Contemporary Art<br /> 51 Trumbull Street, New Haven, CT&nbsp;</p> <p>More about it here: <a href="https://www.elycenter.org/events/broad-stripes-and-bright-stars">https://www.elycenter.org/events/broad-stripes-and-bright-stars</a></p> <p><br /> <strong>Site Projects </strong>is hosting an event which will feature <strong>Robert Greenberg&rsquo;s</strong> new film on June 10th at Union Station New Haven, free and open to the public.</p> <p>More about that here:&nbsp;<a href="http://siteprojects.org/events/2017/5/24/community-celebration-for-lighting-your-way-at-union-station">http://siteprojects.org/events/2017/5/24/community-celebration-for-lighting-your-way-at-union-station</a></p> <p>And more about the massive underpass project here:<a href="http://siteprojects.org/sheila-de-bretteville-lighting-your-way">http://siteprojects.org/sheila-de-bretteville-lighting-your-way<br type="_moz" /> </a></p> <p>This show features musical clips from <strong>Fleetwood Mac</strong> and <strong>Wilco</strong>.<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> http://archives.wpkn.org/http://archives.wpkn.org/bookmarks/listen/185746 Sat, 27 May 2017 11:00:00 GMT