WPKN Archives Archive Feed: house Archived radio content http://www.wpkn.org/ Wed, 12 Mar 2025 11:14:03 GMT WPKN Archives Archive Feed: house http://www.wpkn.org/ http://archives.wpkn.org//banners/7.png 850 192 Live Culture with Martha Willette Lewis --episode 1, March 28, 2015 http://archives.wpkn.org/http://archives.wpkn.org/bookmarks/listen/131626 <p>Episode 1: Things That Are Vanishing, globally, nationally and locally, things worth memorializing, celebrating, rallying for, and keeping in the spotlight.</p> <p>Things we do not want, in the words of poet Dylan Thomas, to &quot;go gentle into that good night.&quot;</p> <p><br /> guests:<br /> &bull; Artist Judi Harvest,who divides her time between new york and Venice Italy, and whose practice involves collaborations with Bees, and with glass blowers on the island of Murano Italy. Judi will be participating in the forthcoming Venice Biennale in a collateral exhibition, and will talk with us about beekeeping and working with master artisans in a climate of upheaval and change. (for more please see here:http://judiharvest.com/denatured-honeybees-murano)<br /> and<br /> &bull; Paul Clabby, artist and curator at the John Slade Ely House in New Haven, a venerable arts exhibition venue in a historic building, which is slated to close this summer. We will celebrate the life and times of the gallery, which is one of several culture institutions in the city which are undergoing radical change. The John Slade Ely house under Paul's tenure has been the locus of many projects that have profoundly affected the lives and careers of area artists, community groups, and students. (for more please see here:http://elyhouse.org/)</p> <p><br /> playlist:<br /> 1. soundtrack music by Hennie Vrienten from the 1988 film The Vanishing,<br /> 2. Honey Bee by Zee Avi <br /> 3. Just Like Honey by The Jesus and Mary Chain</p> http://archives.wpkn.org/http://archives.wpkn.org/bookmarks/listen/131626 Sat, 28 Mar 2015 11:00:00 GMT Live Culture with Martha Willette Lewis --episode 1, March 28, 2015 http://archives.wpkn.org/http://archives.wpkn.org/bookmarks/listen/128732 <p>&nbsp;Episode 1: Things That Are Vanishing, globally, nationally and locally, things worth memorializing, celebrating, rallying for, and keeping in the spotlight. Things we do not want, in the words of poet Dylan Thomas, to &quot; go gentle into that good night.&quot;<br /> guests:<br /> &bull; Artist Judi Harvest,who divides her time between new york and Venice Italy, and whose practice involves collaborations with Bees, and with glass blowers on the island of Murano Italy. Judi will be participating in the forthcoming Venice Biennale in a collateral exhibition, and will talk with us about beekeeping and working with master artisans in a climate of upheaval and change. (for more please see here:http://judiharvest.com/denatured-honeybees-murano)<br /> and<br /> &bull; Paul Clabby, artist and curator at the John Slade Ely House in New Haven, a venerable arts exhibition venue in a historic building, which is slated to close this summer. We will celebrate the life and times of the gallery, which is one of several culture institutions in the city which are undergoing radical change. The John Slade Ely house under Paul's tenure has been the locus of many projects that have profoundly affected the lives and careers of area artists, community groups, and students. (for more please see here:http://elyhouse.org/)<br /> playlist:<br /> 1. soundtrack music by Hennie Vrienten from the 1988 film The Vanishing,<br /> 2. Honey Bee by Zee Avi <br /> 3. Just Like Honey by The Jesus and Mary Chain</p> http://archives.wpkn.org/http://archives.wpkn.org/bookmarks/listen/128732 Sat, 28 Mar 2015 11:00:00 GMT