WPKN Archives Archive Feed: lynchArchived radio content
Sun, 23 Feb 2025 08:53:08 GMTWPKN Archives Archive Feed: lynch
http://archives.wpkn.org//banners/7.png850192Live Culture Episode 10 with Martha Willette Lewis
<p>Episode 10- The Venice Biennale part 2</p>
<p>For December edition- the last for 2015- martha returns to <strong>The Venice Biennale</strong>. The conversation starts with Artist <strong>Judi Harvest</strong> and her installation <em><strong>Room of Dreams</strong></em>, in the collateral<strong><em> Dialogue of Fire </em></strong>exhibition, which was curated partially by <strong>Luca Berta</strong> and <strong>Francesca Guibelei</strong> who were featured in last month’s episode. They both have cameos in this month’s broadcast along with Harvest, whose glass-based installation occupied the frescoed bedroom of the Palazzo Tiepolo. Judi was one of Martha's very first guests on the show, so it’s fitting that she ends the year with her, visiting her honeybee garden in Murano as well.....</p>
<p><strong>For the second half </strong>Martha is in discussion with exhibition invigilator/artist <strong>Phillip McCrilly </strong>and Australian curator and writer <strong>Elyse Goldfinch</strong> about <strong><em>Sean Lynch's Adventure:Capital</em></strong> installation and video representing Ireland at the Arsenalle. Lynch's work was curated by <strong>Woodrow Kernohan</strong> and features the voice of well-known Irish actress <strong>Gina Moxley</strong> in the video sequences.</p>
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<p> </p>http://archives.wpkn.org/http://archives.wpkn.org/bookmarks/listen/137323Sat, 26 Dec 2015 11:00:00 GMT