WPKN Archives: Del 'in Transition' : In Studio guest, s/sw Frank Critelli

Episode Info

Original Aired:
Friday, April 1st, 2022
8:03AM to 8:19AM

16 minutes

Monday, April 4th, 2022 7:10AM



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Episode: Del 'in Transition' : In Studio guest, s/sw Frank Critelli

What I learned this morning is how well Frank and I worked together....Not only does he have a great on-air voice, and is the first guest I've had in-house at our new Broadcast Facility, but it's what he brings to it. Frank is putting on an event to benefit the Meriden Soup Kitchen, and that represents the spirit of this radio station, and what our charter is all about. A lively exchange between 2 radio professionals. Frank also has his own show Cygnus Radio, an internet radio station, who hosts his own the Sun sessions at Cafe Nine New Haven, while he is also the Co-host of the Local Band Show on WPLR with veteran Rick Allison, and plays at various locations, and farmers' markets. 

Episode Hosts

None listed