WPKN Archives: Del 'In Transition' : New Tracks, Mixed Emotions, and Archive Pull

Episode Info

Original Aired:
Friday, August 5th, 2022
7:00AM to 8:55AM

1 hour, 55 minutes

Friday, August 5th, 2022 7:06AM



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Episode: Del 'In Transition' : New Tracks, Mixed Emotions, and Archive Pull

 pretty much like I've described before with new tracks picked off the digi, while pulling some LP fr the vast WPKN Archive as well, as my own, with a little rant thrown in involving the breakup of big tech: why we should do it (visit anti-trust summer.com for more info, Brittany Griner and the impending negotiations for her release, and why Joe Biden should declare a climate emergency.....so much music, /so little time' I always say, and today is no different.

PL goes like : spinitron.com/WPKN/pl/16269016/Del-In-Transition

Episode Hosts

None listed