WPKN Archives: Del 'In Transition' : Instudio guests Black Rocks' Strangers in Orbit at about the 8:15a mark

Episode Info

Del 'in Transition'

Original Aired:
Friday, March 31st, 2023
7:00AM to 8:55AM

1 hour, 55 minutes

Friday, March 31st, 2023 7:08AM



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Episode: Del 'In Transition' : Instudio guests Black Rocks' Strangers in Orbit at about the 8:15a mark

 First time guests to the new WPKN Broadcast Facility (still new to me) in downtown Bridgeport, debuting a new track with co-writers Gab Lackshmi and Tommy Weeks, both on keyboards and pgm, Gabi with the strong vocals and Tim Walsh on electronics/drum/PA thruput.

In and around the Strangers, I put up some of the latest tracks that go together in the MIX : spinitron.com/WPKN/pl/17188027/Del-In-Transition

Show: Del 'in Transition'

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