WPKN Archives: Del 'in Transition' : On the phone with Laney Jones

Episode Info

Original Aired:
Thursday, July 27th, 2023
11:05AM to 11:21AM

16 minutes

Thursday, July 27th, 2023 7:53PM



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Episode: Del 'in Transition' : On the phone with Laney Jones

 This has been a yr in the making after timing of her last appearance at Cafe Nine, NH didn't quite pan out. This year though, we are on it. as Laney Jones and the Spirits roll into Cafe Nine New Haven once again later on in August, but, we dig deep into this young womans' mind. This is not an ordinary artist at 31, with a cpl records in. This one, Stories Up High is quite a reflective, pc of work, a bit noir, or just a little Sublime, as I call it, released in '22, but really written during the bug. We talk all things surrounding it, her writing, philosophy, reflective in a time where most people look to be led by their phones and media bots. 

Episode Hosts

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