WPKN Archives: Garnett Ankle: What's Your Point?

Episode Info

What's Your Point?

Original Aired:
Sunday, February 21st, 2016
9:01AM to 10:00AM

59 minutes

Sunday, February 21st, 2016 9:00AM



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Episode: Garnett Ankle: What's Your Point?

Garnett in conversation with Professor Yohuru Williams on Marcus Garvey's impact on Africa and the Diaspora. Relevant songs and poems are also aired.

Show: What's Your Point?

 In a democracy, all citizens must have a right to their views. They must be encouraged to air them. On What's Your Point? anyone is free to call in and voice their opinon on the issues of the day. A democracy is as strong as the freedom its citizens have to their right to speak. 

Episode Hosts