WPKN Archives: Ina Chadwick - Real People, Real Stories - Mousemuse Storytelling

Episode Info

Real People Real Stories

Original Aired:
Saturday, March 26th, 2016
12:01PM to 12:52PM

51 minutes

Saturday, March 26th, 2016 12:01PM

people real stories mousemuse ina chadwick


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Episode: Ina Chadwick - Real People, Real Stories - Mousemuse Storytelling

A round up of five years of recorded stories from MouseMuse events at many locations in Fairfield County. Purim, Easter. Passover. The best storytelling!

Thomas Lawlor, Maureen Hallock, Joseph P. Limone, Ina Chadwick.

Thomas Lawlor is an Alaskan Catholic who married a New York City Jew. Now there's a cultural divide!
Maureen Miller Hallock cites the largest criminal portion of the population – Catholics – in a tender, reverent story celebrating new life.
Joseph P. Limone's parents find good reasons to send him to a far away Catholic School in Boston. It's miles from home.
Ina Chadwick tells two stories of what it means to be culturally Jewish without knowing very much about the religious traditions and the violations thereof.

MouseMuse Productions

Show: Real People Real Stories

Each month on the last Saturday from noon to 1pm, WHAT A STORY! "Real People, Real Stories" hosted by Ina Chadwick.

For more information, visit www.mousemuse.com

Episode Hosts