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Episode: My Other Music (MOM): Joseph Celli
WPKN 89.5-FM Bridgeport
Independent Community Radio
My Other Music (MOM), Joseph Celli, Producer/Host
Pigeonhole: typically an overly restrictive nitch, to categorize, classify, compartmentalize, characterize, label, brand, tag, designate, grade, codify, sort, rank, or rate. Since producing & hosting Soundprint: Asia I’ve become pigeonholed as the ‘Asian Guy’ here at WPKN - I like that! But, I also like My Other Music (MOM), a wide-ranging interest in Western classical, R & B, experimental & avant-garde, Cajun, Latin and the whole history of American jazz. YES, the whole history from early 20th century to new explorations in improvisation. I have a strong belief in the never ending and ambitious pursuit of innovation in improvised music. We tend to have nostalgic and lazy ears that most oftentimes gravitate to the familiar. Who the new Bird, Coltrane and Miles that brings the ferocious need to explore and expand the vocabulary of ‘jazz’? I hope we discover these new ‘masters’ together and avoid the convenient ‘pigeonhole that so much music is suffocated in. Follow Me on Facebook
MON JAN 22ND 2018 9.00AM–10.30AM

Northern Cree “Toots Skootin' Boogie”
from Rockin' The Rez CD ALBUM (Canyon Records 2001)

Kronos Quartet “The Beatitudes”
from Music of Vladimir Martynov CD (Nonesuch 2012)

Laurie Anderson “O Superman (For Massenet)”
from Talk Normal: The Laurie Anderson Anthology (Remastered) CD (Rhino/Warner Bros. 2000)

Mark Izu & and Christopher Yohmei Blasdel “Mirth (Hasyam)”
from Navarasa CD ALBUM (Belly to Belly 2011)
Kelsey Bell, Grace McLean and Amber Gray “This Is Not A Land of Kings” SINGLE (2017)

Vijay Iyer Trio “Dogon A.D.”
from Historicity (Bonus Track Edition) CD (ACT Music 2009)

Abdoulaye Diabate & Koutiala Orchestra “Samory” CD ALBUM (Cobalt 2001)
Christoph Rutimann and Fredy Studer “Down Under”
from Cactuscrackling CD
Hackberry Ramblers “Jolie Blonde”
from The Essential Guide to Cajun Music Vol II CD
Miguel Zenon “Seis Cinco”
from Jíbaro CD (Marsalis Music 2005)

Cassandra Wilson “Hellhound on my Trail”
from Blue Light 'Til Dawn CD (CM BLUE NOTE (A92) 1993)

Ted Hearne, Isaiah Robinson, Jonathan Woody, Mellissa Hughes, Nathan Koci & Samia Mounts“The Source: Explosive Hazard”
from Ted Hearne: The Source CD (New Amsterdam 2015)

The Microscopic Septet “Brilliant corners”
from Friday the Thirteenth: The Micros Play Monk CD ALBUM (Cuneiform Records 2010)
Dustin Demilio “unreleased”
from Unreleased CD SINGLE (Unreleased)
Ornette Coleman & Pat Metheny “Song X” CD (Nonesuch Records 1985)
Show: Joseph Celli: My Other Music (MOM)
Host Joseph Celli presents a program of music from Japan/Okinawa, Korea, China, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Tibet, Mongolia & elsewhere in Asia. Included with the traditional court, folk & religious music are occasional interviews with Asian musicians, World Premieres, and historical context about the music, musicians & instruments.
Celli said, “Unfortunately, we tend to think of Asia as being homogeneous but it actually has more musical diversity and individuality than most places in the world.” Programs range from the overtone singing of Tuva to the ecstatic Gamelan of Indonesia, and the elegant court music of Korea, Japan & Cambodia. Information about upcoming concerts of Asian music, exhibitions & an occasional undiscovered spicy restaurant are all part of the fun.