WPKN Archives: Garnett Ankle--Solidarity

Episode Info


Original Aired:
Sunday, September 29th, 2019
7:00AM to 9:00AM

2 hours

Sunday, September 29th, 2019 7:05AM

rootsreggaeonwpkn garnettankleandwpkno antiracistreggaeshow racistsbeawaremusici powerfulreggaetohaun garnettankleshowonwp


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Episode: Garnett Ankle--Solidarity

 Host Garnett Ankle returns to the airwaves after close to four months away. On this show, Garnett digs deep into his music archive and features some of the better roots reggae songs and spoken word ever recorded. These songs and spoken word depict the time in history in which we live. In addition to the music, Garnett airs his usual features including "Today In Black History". Listen to the show, you may like the music or it could haunt your conscience.  

Show: Solidarity

 Solidarity is the advancement of equal rights and justice through song and the spoken word. Justice knows no color, class or creed. 

Episode Hosts