WPKN Archives: Solidarity: Garnett Ankle

Episode Info


Original Aired:
Sunday, May 24th, 2020
7:00AM to 9:00AM

2 hours

Sunday, May 24th, 2020 7:06AM

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Episode: Solidarity: Garnett Ankle

 People the world over have used protests to make changes in their everyday lives, from religion to politics. Currently, the world is in a mess. If serious measures are not implemented, this pandemic could kill millions all over the globe. On the show this morning, host Garnett plays some of the more militant protest songs and poems.This to remind you, it is the common person in the street who will make the change, not the political thugs in Washington, D.C. parading as politicians.

In addition to the crucial roots reggae selections, Garnett presents Solidarity News, and the usual features. Listen, be entertained, educated and just have fun. 

Show: Solidarity

 Solidarity is the advancement of equal rights and justice through song and the spoken word. Justice knows no color, class or creed. 

Episode Hosts