WPKN Archives: Solidarity with Garnett Ankle

Episode Info


Original Aired:
Sunday, May 8th, 2022
7:00AM to 9:00AM

2 hours

Sunday, May 8th, 2022 7:07AM



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Episode: Solidarity with Garnett Ankle

 We are at a period in history when we are losing many of our vintage reggae musicians, singers, and song writers to violence or illness. It is good to let our reggae musicians know how much we love, and appreciate then, while they are alive. One such artiste is the great Ernie Smith, who recently celebrated a birthday. It is not an easy feat doing anything for fifty five years; and Ernie Smith has been playing music, and singing for that period of time, and is not stopping anytime soon. Ernie Smith is one of the great voices of Jamaica. On this show, listen to Ernie Smith In Concert for the entire broadcast. The usual features including Solidarity News are also aired.

Sit back, and listen this Mother's Day Broadcast of Solidarity: Ernie Smith In Concert.

Show: Solidarity

 Solidarity is the advancement of equal rights and justice through song and the spoken word. Justice knows no color, class or creed. 

Episode Hosts