WPKN Archives: Del 'in Transition' : On the phone with Kevin Zak of the Naugatuck River Revival Group

Episode Info

Original Aired:
Friday, October 23rd, 2020
8:22AM to 8:50AM

28 minutes

Saturday, October 24th, 2020 6:36AM



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Episode: Del 'in Transition' : On the phone with Kevin Zak of the Naugatuck River Revival Group

 Kevin, an environmentalist, activist of behalf of the Naugatuck River Revival Group, started years ago while fishing in the then, polluted river. His Third visit on 'in Transition' takes us through the process, years in the making pushing forth clean water legislation, and keeping us up to date on the offline Ansonia Power Plant, the Kinneytown Dam upstream, his efforts to open up the waterways to migrating fish, and to breathe life back into Ct's eco-system that has been robbed of life since the 80's.

Episode Hosts

None listed