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Episode: Joseph Celli: Soundprint Asia
WPKN 89.5-FM Bridgeport
Independent Community Radio
Joseph Celli “Intro” from Self CD N
Samul Nori “Korean #1”
from Durae Pae SamulNori CD ALBUM (SRB Records)
Imperial Court Gagaku “Konetori”
from Gagaku Bugaku CD (Nippon Columbia Co, 1993)
Ali Ahmed Hussain & Party “Puriya Kalyan”
from Dilkash Shehnai CD (All India Radio, 1997)
Ali Ahmed Hussain & Party “Purbi (Dhun)”
from Dilkash Shehnai CD (All India Radio, 1997)

Gamelan Angklung “Gamelan Angklung”
from Gamelan Music of Bali (Lyrichord, 1997)

Gamelan Angklung “Kebjar Teruna”
from Gamelan Music of Bali (Lyrichord, 1997)
Chong Jae-Guk “Yuchoshin-jinkok (Sangryongsan)”
from Piri Chong-Ak CD (1998)
Chong Jae-Guk “Chungryongsan”
from Piri Chong-Ak CD (1998)
Chinbat Baasankhuu “sunrise”
from The Art of the Mongolian Yataga CD (ARC Music 2014)
Chinbat Baasankhuu “Variations”
from The Art of the Mongolian Yataga CD (ARC Music 2014)

The Erkose Ensemble “Taksim On the Kanun / Hicaz Dolap / Mandra / Sehnaz Longa”
from The Gypsy Music of Turkey - Tzigane CD (Times Square 1992)

The Erkose Ensemble “Taksim On the Oud / Arab Saz Semaisi / Gelin Aalyi / Sivasli”
from The Gypsy Music of Turkey - Tzigane CD (Times Square 1992)
L.S. Kancana Sari “Maya Selas Gaya”
from Original Sundanese Music: Degung Klasik, Vol. 1 CD (GNP)
Host Joseph Celli presents a program of music from Japan/Okinawa, Korea, China, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Tibet, Mongolia, & throughout Central Asia. Included with the traditional court, folk, & religious music are occasional interviews with Asian musicians, World Premieres, and historical context about the music, musicians, & instruments.
Celli said, “Unfortunately, we tend to think of Asia as being homogeneous, but it actually has more musical diversity, and individuality than most places in the world.”
Programs range from the overtone singing of Tuva, the ecstatic Gamelan of Indonesia, and the elegant court music of Korea, Japan, & Cambodia. Information about upcoming concerts of Asian music, exhibitions & an occasional undiscovered spicy restaurant reviews are all part of the fun.
Please send questions & comments about this show to: [email protected] or become a friend on Facebook at Joseph Celli. Many of the archives can be found at: