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Tag: 05.13.24: Counterpoint host Scott Harris on Israelis Expect ICC Netanyahu Arrest Warrant; Students Risk Careers by Protesting Israel's Barbaric Gaza War; Trump's Contempt for Women Exposed in Hush Trial; CT Student Climate campaign targets insurance Cos.
Tag: 11.20.23: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Israel's war in Gaza and mass killing of Palestinians with Ralph Nader; The Biden-Xi Jinping meeting & US China relations; Israel's spy network on US college campuses & the new CT chapter of Third Act
Tag: 05.29.23: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Ron DeSantis' fascist threat; Massive Pentagon budget untouched in debt ceiling debate; Flood of Venezuelan migrants linked to US sanctions; Students, alumni resist DeSantis' destruction of New College
Tag: 04.10.23: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Protests in France challenge increase in Retirement Age; Wave of mass shootings provokes protest; Article V convention threatens civil liberties; New tactics needed to defeat GOP authoritarianism
Tag: 04.11.22: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Big Oil profiteering amid war in Ukraine; Children really worried about the climate crisis; Covid racial disparities made white US residents less supportive of public health measures; Student debt crisis
Tag: 07.13.20: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Trump's push to reopen schools; US economic system's failure to deal with COVID pandemic; Biden-Sanders Task Force tackles climate change; Author Greg Palast on his new book, "How Trump Stole 2020."
Tag: 11.18.19: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the progress of the Trump impeachment inquiry; Corporate media coverage of the Impeachment hearings; Five + months of militant protest in Hong Kong; Challenging Facebook's monopoly & use of personal data
Tag: 07.15.19: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses immigrant humanitarian border crisis; Trump regime efforts to rig US elections; Youth led Global Climate Strike & Left-Right coalition passes amendment blocking funds for Trump war with Iran
Tag: 03.12.18: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses prospects for the planned Trump-Kim Jong Un Summit; The hidden history of the 2nd Amendment & NRA; A teacher's view on schools, guns and safety & Connecticut moves to preserve Net Neutrality
Tag: 08-07-17 Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Trump DOJ plan to sue universities re "reverse discrimination"; GOP Immigration bill would deeply cut # legal migrants entering US;The crisis in Venezuela continues; NAACP Issues Missouri travel advisory
Tag: 09.12.16: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses democracy reform in the presidential debates; the ongoing campaign to defeat the TPP trade bill; the growth of renewable energy sources & a landmark case on CT's unequal education system
Tag: 12.21.15: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses anti-Muslim hate crimes in U.S., Critique of big Green NGOs at Paris climate talks; New book explores economic inequality & Antiracist activism on university campuses