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Tag: 06.10.24: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Mexico's historic election of first female president; Intl Criminal Court targets Israeli & Hamas leaders; Effort to revive nuclear power; GOP Georgia voter suppression scheme moves to battleground states
Tag: 05.13.24: Counterpoint host Scott Harris on Israelis Expect ICC Netanyahu Arrest Warrant; Students Risk Careers by Protesting Israel's Barbaric Gaza War; Trump's Contempt for Women Exposed in Hush Trial; CT Student Climate campaign targets insurance Cos.
Tag: 04.29.24: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the weaponization of antisemitism to attack student Gaza protesters; Israel sells occupied Palestinian land in US and Canada; Supreme Court hears case that could criminalize homelessness and poverty
Tag: 07.10.23: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Opposition to Biden's transfer of cluster bombs to Ukraine; Biden nominates death squad ally to US diplomacy panel; Biden won't reform 'Not Normal' SCOTUS; CT legislature fails to address climate crisis
Tag: 04.18.22: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Double standards in international law and human rights exposed by Russia's war in Ukraine; Combating GOP classroom censorship; Debt Collective demands Biden cancel student debt; Amazon workers union win
Tag: 02.14.22: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the US hypocrisy re: International law; Critical Race Theory & the GOP culture war; Nord Stream 2 and the Ukraine crisis & Joe Rogan's Vaccine Disinformation Blowback
Tag: 11-25-19: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the events leading to the coup in Bolivia; Calls for the firing of White Nationalist Trump adviser Stephen Miller; Trump changes US view of illegal Israeli settlements & the restoration of WBAI Radio
Tag: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Trump's NAFTA negotiations with Mexico & Canada; The state of the US labor movement 2018; SCOTUS nominee Kavanaugh disregards International law; U.S. Wealth Inequality; Rise for Climate Jobs & Justice actions in CT
Tag: 03.19.18: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Trump's nominee, accused torturer Gina Haspel to be CIA director; Trump's drive to militarize space; the success of the West Virginia's teachers strike & National Popular Vote bill in the CT legislature
Tag: 04.03.17: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Trump's repeal of Obama climate change regulations and Internet privacy rules; US military escalation in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan & Yemen and New If Not Now movement protests US-Israel policy on Palestine
Tag: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the US decision not to veto a UN resolution against Israel's illegal settlements; Viking Economics egalitarian societies in Scandinavian nations; civil liberties under Trump; US Dept of Arts and Culture activism
Tag: 01.11.16: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Bernie Sander's advocacy of breaking up U.S. big banks; the Sunni-Shiite Muslim divide; White House protest to close down Guantanamo detention camp; Iraq War Vet's visit back to Iraq & Afghanistan