WPKN Archives: 05.13.24: Counterpoint host Scott Harris on Israelis Expect ICC Netanyahu Arrest Warrant; Students Risk Careers by Protesting Israel's Barbaric Gaza War; Trump's Contempt for Women Exposed in Hush Trial; CT Student Climate campaign targets insurance Cos.

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Episode: 05.13.24: Counterpoint host Scott Harris on Israelis Expect ICC Netanyahu Arrest Warrant; Students Risk Careers by Protesting Israel's Barbaric Gaza War; Trump's Contempt for Women Exposed in Hush Trial; CT Student Climate campaign targets insurance Cos.

Counterpoint, hosted by Scott Harris, is heard every Monday night on WPKN 89.5 FM, Bridgeport, CT between 8:00 – 9:30 pm ET. Webstreaming and audio archive at http://wpkn.org

1) Michael Lynk, Associate Professor of law at the University of Western Ontario, who served as the United Nations Special Rapporteur for human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory from 2016 to 2022, discusses Israel's ground and air offensive in Rafah, stalled efforts to negotiate a ceasefire, and reports that the International Criminal Court is preparing to issue arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Netanyahu, on charges related to the war in Gaza.

2) Sofia Menemenlis a PhD student at Princeton University and organizer with Princeton Israeli Apartheid Divest, which has launched a hunger strike, discusses the protest and her views on the Gaza war, US policy towards Israel, political attacks on student activists, and police raids on protest encampments across the U.S.

3) Amanda Marcotte, a senior politics writer at Salon and the author of "Troll Nation: How The Right Became Trump-Worshipping Monsters," talks about her recent Salon article, "Stormy Daniels testimony reveals the triumph of #MeToo," insight into Trump's character, and media coverage of this first Trump trial and its likely impact on this November's presidential election.

4) Joanna Mallary, a clinical psychology doctoral candidate at the University of Hartford talks about the Connecticut student petition campaign calling on CT-based Travelers and The Hartford insurance companies to align with global climate goals. Both companies ranked in the bottom third of the Insure Our Future scorecard, which analyzes 30 leading primary insurers and reinsurers, assessing their policies on insuring and investing in coal, oil and gas.

Some segments featured on Counterpoint are edited for re-broadcast on the syndicated Between The Lines radio news magazine. Visit their web site at http://www.btlonline.org for free subscriptions to mp3 - podcast audio files, program summaries and interview transcripts. An archive of current and past Counterpoint interviews are accessible for free at our Counterpoint Radio web site: http://counterpointradio.org The full 1.5 hour unedited program can be accessed for a 2 week period after the show, at the WPKN Radio archives: http://archives.wpkn.org/bookmarks/search/counterpoint


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