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Tag: 03.03.25: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Democratic Party's weak opposition to Trump coup; Trump intimidates, threatens Freedom of the Press; Students resist Trump elimination of campus DEI; FBI turns blind eye to white supremacist violence
Tag: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses new information in the assassination Malcolm X; A vision for a Palestinian-Israel confederated state; Julian Assange battles to stop UK extradition to US; Biden considers embracing Trump immigration policies
Tag: 04-24-23 Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Dominion Fox Lawsuit Settlement Won't Protect Democracy; SCOTUS Justice Thomas gathering ethics scandal; Report reveals Israel colluded w 16' Trump campaign; PFAS chemicals found in CT water systems
Tag: 08.15.22: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses rising tensions between the US & China over Taiwan; Donald Trump and the GOP's embrace of political violence; Assessing the Inflation Reduction Act & Media fails to cover UN treaty to ban nuclear weapons
Tag: 09.13.21: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the demand for classified 9/11 files re Saudi Arabia involvement; BTL 9/11/2001 Re-Broadcast; Republican Party threat to democracy; Colombia's protest movement against inequality, poverty and corruption
Tag: 10.28.19: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses new public banking legislation in California; Latin America protests austerity & inequality; Deciphering new phase of Syrian war; New report documents FBI surveillance of progressive groups
Tag: 09.09.19: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Code Pink's effort to end US complicity in Yemen War; Overturning North Carolina's GOP gerrymandered districts; Trapped in the US Terrorist Watch List & Resisting massive voter purges in Ohio & Georgia
Tag: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the new U.S.-Russia nuclear arms race; Bernie Sanders' groundbreaking workplace democracy proposal; Move to establish domestic terrorism statute open to FBI abuse & The fires burning down the Amazon rainforest
Tag: 10-01-18: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses what Brett Kavanaugh learned in high school about privilege; protesters who descended on Washington to oppose Kavanaugh nomination; Trump at the UN General Assembly & Ripple Effect Artists theater NYC
Tag: 02.05.18: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the Nunes Trump-Russia memo; Important court rulings on challenges to gerrymandering; Legislation to prevent Trump pre-emptive attack on N.Korea & State-by-state campaign to sideline Electoral College
Tag: 06.12.17 Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses investigations into multiple Trump scandals; People's Summit and the Progressive Agenda; Jeremy Corbyn & Labor Party's unexpected UK election gains; Chris Hedges on Current US Political Crisis
Tag: 05.22.17: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the investigations into Trump-Russia collusion; Fmr Sen. Joe Lieberman to lead the FBI?; New graduate union at Yale pressures admin to negotiate; Saudis & US fuel carnage in Yemen's civil war
Tag: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Trump's "Election Integrity" commission; Trump's firing of FBI director poses threat to rule of law; Marine vet says Trump Afghan troop escalation bound to fail; Sustainable agriculture key to food sovereignty
Tag: 01.16.17: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses charges that Russia hacked the US election; Fighting back against voter suppression in the 2016 election; Self-defense in the Trump era; Protests planned for the Trump inauguration in Washington & locally
Tag: 12.19.16: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses charges Russia hacked the US Presidential election; Trump's nomination of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General; Trump's "oilgarchy" nominations re: environment & climate & New Haven 12-21-16 antiracist vigil
Tag: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Russia's alleged role in the 2016 US election; Mass goverment surveillance under the next president; opposition to the proposed AT&T-Time Warner merger & Obamacare's flaws and proposed reforms/replacements
Tag: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses US nuclear policy on 71st anniversary of Japan A-bomb attack; the links between Saudi Arabia & 9/11; Financial exploitation of US prisoners; Venezuela's economic and political crisis
Tag: 02.22.16: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the New York Times coverage of single payer health care; Apple vs. FBI on encryption; Plan for civil disobedience in Washington, DC this spring & Bridgeport CT coal plant conversion to natural gas
Tag: 11.23.15: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the links between Saudi Arabia and ISIS; Challenging the efficacy of a narrow military response to the Paris attacks; the US debate on mass government surveillance & Victories for clean election systems