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Tag: 03.03.25: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Democratic Party's weak opposition to Trump coup; Trump intimidates, threatens Freedom of the Press; Students resist Trump elimination of campus DEI; FBI turns blind eye to white supremacist violence
Tag: 07.22.24: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses JD Vance's extremist position on abortion, ICJ rules Israeli occupation of Palestine illegal, As Biden drops out of campaign, what's next, Advocating CT climate crisis legislation
Tag: 05.06.24: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the criminalization of college Gaza war protests; UAW wins union election at Volkswagen; Cable news presents skewed coverage of Israel's Gaza war; Activists push for New Haven Gaza ceasefire resolution
Tag: 09.13.21: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the demand for classified 9/11 files re Saudi Arabia involvement; BTL 9/11/2001 Re-Broadcast; Republican Party threat to democracy; Colombia's protest movement against inequality, poverty and corruption
Tag: 08.30.21: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the movement to protect US democracy; Afghanistan and war profiteering; Opposition to Biden nomination of Rahm Emanuel as US ambassador to Japan; Chevron's prosecution of Steven Donziger
Tag: 04.19.21: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the crisis in US policing & the Derek Chauvin trial; Biden urged to implement global vaccine manufacturing program; Unions push for passage of PRO Act & Bill would divert missile funds to Covid vaccine
Tag: 02.08.21: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Ben & Jerry's campaign on ending police qualified immunity; Trump impeachment, GOP & democracy; Biden foreign policy & Re-prioritizing CT state budget and taxes
Tag: 01.18.21: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Investigating the security failure before the Capitol insurrection; Holding Trump's GOP enablers accountable; Defunding GOP Legislators who tried to overthrow democracy; Climate, COVID & Capitalism
Tag: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the Pro-Trump domestic terrorist assault on the US Capitol; Republican Party complicity with the insurrection; Trump & GOP legislators must be held accountable; Mubarak Soulemane's family's struggle for justice
Tag: 09.28.20: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the police killing of Breonna Taylor; Leak of Trump's income taxes; The value of international observers in US 2020 Election; "The Connecticut Man Who Led a Plot to Overthrow Franklin Roosevelt"
Tag: 09.07.20: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the plight of low wage restaurant workers in the pandemic; Concern re: Trump rushing vaccine before the election; Militias & vigilante violence at BLM protests & Police abuse CT Senate Majority Leader
Tag: 07.27.20: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses secret federal forces repressing Portland social justice protests, the coming US eviction crisis; Book discussion: "White Christian Privilege"; CT Police Accountability legislation moves to State Senate
Tag: 06.29.20: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Congressional legislative action on police violence; Dramatic rise in coronavirus cases nationwide; Black Rock's unregulated economic power and influence & Building a new People's Party
Tag: 06.22.20: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Opposition to GOP's advocacy of COVID19 corporate immunity; 5 ways to rebuild the US labor movement; Camden's dismantled Police Dept is no model for US; SCOTUS' landmark LGBTQ+ non-discrimination ruling
Tag: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Georgia's primary election disaster; Progress Since 1992's L.A. Rebellion; Rev. Dr. William Barber's Sermon on Reconstruction; In current protests media focus on race but not class
Tag: 08.12.19: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the ongoing drive to strengthen gun laws; UN Report on the link between climate change and food security; organizing civil disobedience in the Trump era; Rose City ANTIFA confronts white supremacists
Tag: 01.29.18: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Rising global inequality; Trump re-negotiation of NAFTA treaty; CT prosecutors report on police shooting of 15-year old Jayson Negron; Future of President's Commission on alleged voter fraud
Tag: 08-07-17 Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses Trump DOJ plan to sue universities re "reverse discrimination"; GOP Immigration bill would deeply cut # legal migrants entering US;The crisis in Venezuela continues; NAACP Issues Missouri travel advisory
Tag: 01.30.17: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses the explosion of anti-Trump protests nationwide; Challenging the constitutionality of Trump's Muslim Ban; Wash., DC mass arrests of inauguration protesters; Unions protest Trump Immigration policies
Tag: 09.26.16: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses recent police shootings and protest; U.S. nuclear policy and the danger of nuclear war; Pro-sports athletes and Black Lives Matter protest & SURJ-CT organizes White people for racial justice
Tag: 07.11.16: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses police-community relations in the wake of a week of violence; Afghanistan: America's longest war; the UK Chilcot report on Britain's role in Iraq War; the deal to close Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant
Tag: 01.04.16: Counterpoint host Scott Harris discusses an important Supreme Court case, Jan. 2016, that could weaken labor unions; police violence, accountability and the Black Lives Matter movement; Haiti's cancelled presidential election & listener calls